Suffragettes 100 years on: Meet the women fighting for females in 2018 – BBC News

Officers in the city now define misogynistic hate crime as “behaviour targeted towards a woman by men simply because they are a woman”.
That includes things like wolf-whistling and cat-calling.
“I think it’s very easy to say this is the end of flirting, but I don’t think that’s true,” says Martha.
“I think if you’re flirting in a way which you feel might be touchy ground, then you’re flirting in the wrong way.”
Martha ran around 40 training sessions for police on misogynistic harassment and now wants the rest of the UK to follow suit.

via Suffragettes 100 years on: Meet the women fighting for females in 2018 – BBC News

How Technology Ends Inequality – Entrepreneur First – Medium

There are many good points in this piece, some of them positive, some negative…

240,000,000 Indians use Facebook.
And while Mark Zuckerberg’s bank account contains 10,000,000 times more money than the average Indian’s, his Facebook account works more or less identically.
Quick and cheap distribution goes both ways — it creates financial inequality and experience equality. You can’t pay for a better Facebook experience.

via How Technology Ends Inequality – Entrepreneur First – Medium